A full video archive is available on The Pearson Institute's YouTube channel.


Renewing Indigenous Economies


Live from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Professor James Robinson discusses how different indigenous societies adapted their institutions over centuries, allowing them to survive and in many cases thrive, and how governance structures thrust upon them by modern nation states have stifled this evolutionary process and led to economic stagnation for many indigenous economies, arguing that by understanding why indigenous nations have failed, indigenous societies can renew their cultures and their economies.

Urban violence in Latin America: Toward evidence-based security policies


The Economic and Social Policy in Latin America (ESPLA) Initiative at Brookings, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) co-hosted an event to discuss evidence-based security policy in Latin America and innovations in crime prevention and reduction interventions featuring Chris Blattman, the Ramalee E. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies.

Pearson Institute Distinguished Speaker Series featuring Ben Rhodes

Dean of the Harris School of Public Policy Katherine Baicker moderates a discussion with Ben Rhodes, former deputy US National Security Advisor in a 2019 edition of The Pearson Institute's Distinguished Speaker Series.

Anne Ryan / The Pearson Institute