Past Events

Each year The Pearson Institute hosts a variety of lectures, workshops and seminars. Unless noted otherwise, all events are held on the University of Chicago campus.

10.19.20 - 10.21.20

Zvi Griliches lectures at NES

Institute Director James Robinson will present a three-part virtual lecture series at the New Economic School. The first lecture will focus on "The Liberal-Democratic Constitutional Tradition and its problems," the second on "The Islamic Tradition," and the third on "Comparative Constitutionalism."

Monday, October 19 - Wednesday, October 21


More Information and RSVP


The power to move forward

Institute Director James Robinson will give a keynote lecture at ProPacífico's 5th Anniversary Conference.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


10.06.20 - 10.06.20

The Third Annual Pearson Global Forum

The third annual Pearson Global Forum will take place virtually October 6 - 8, 2020. 

More Information

James Robinson in Ukraine

Institute Director James Robinson presents themes from his internationally bestselling book, Why Nations Fail, at an event in Ukraine.