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Naika Foroutan


Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research

Naika Foroutan is Professor of Social Sciences at the Humboldt-University in Berlin. She is co-directing both the Berlin Institute on Integration and Migration Research (BIM) as well as the German Center for Integration and Migration Research, the DeZIM-Institute, a Ministry-funded research institute that centrally organizes migration and integration research in Germany and provides empirical analysis for migration and integration debates in Europe. Her research focusses on countries of immigration, their shifting identities as well as their prevalent attitudes towards minorities. Naika Foroutan led two much acclaimed research projects HEYMAT (Hybrid European Muslim Identities) and JUNITED (New Islam-related-topics in Germany). She has published widely on the themes of shifting identities in Germany, attitudes towards Muslims in Germany as well as on postmigrant societies - a newly developed theoretical framework for analyzing transformations in migration-impacted societies.

Naika Foroutan also serves as an adviser and consultant to German political parties and other national and international institutions and is also a board member of the Council on Migration in Germany.

Baidoa, Somalia

Makeshift, temporary shelter made of plastic and clothing at a refugee center in Baidoa, Somalia.