News coverage, academic research and more on the coronavirus pandemic from experts at The Pearson Institute.

The Washington Post


If employers require workers to have antibodies, people will try to get sick

The idea of issuing “immunity passports” to individuals with covid-19 antibodies continues to attract both interest and controversy. Estonia and Chile are both moving forward with plans to test their own immunity-passport programs, and top infectious disease expert Anthony S. Fauci says U.S. officials have discussed the idea too. The private sector is likely to beat the federal government to the punch. Start-ups like FaceFirst and Onfido are pitching the idea of app-based immunity registries to businesses, several Miami hotels are reportedly rolling out an immunity app with their staff and guests next month and Delta Air Lines has expressed interest as well.

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La República


El vivo es el bobo en la pandemia

En Colombia y América Latina, como lo muestra Mauricio García Villegas en 'El orden de la libertad' , hay pocos personajes más admirados que el “vivo”. Ese que aparece desde los cuentos infantiles (con frecuencia un conejo) enseñando que “el vivo vive del bobo”, que “al camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente” y que “no hay que dar papaya”. Claro, y a papaya dada, ¡papaya partida!

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I-CONnect Blog


COVID-19 and the Bound Executive

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a wide variety of governmental responses as it makes its way around the globe, and scholars have been tracking them from many different angles. In a new paper, we argue that the pandemic response should modify our understanding about the exercise of emergency powers. 

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