News coverage, academic research and more on the coronavirus pandemic from experts at The Pearson Institute.

The Eastern Link


Prepare for a Biden Presidency

Paul Poast is faculty affiliate of The Pearson Institute and an associate professor of political science at the University of Chicago. His research, writing, and teaching focus on international politics and security. In this interview with Easternlink Features Editor Uddipana Goswami, he discusses the upcoming US elections and how its outcome is likely to impact the shifts that are occurring in international relations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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KCBS Radio


Which Businesses Will Be Safe from Covid 19 Once They Re-Open

We know some businesses, like some people, can be “super-spreaders” of Covid-19. And as businesses start to reopen you may be wondering which places are you at more risk than others for catching the Covid-19. A new study from the University of Chicago is using past cellphone to try and determine that. For KCBS news anchor Susan Leigh Taylor spoke with Oeindrila Dube, University of Chicago Professor of Global Conflict Studies and study co-author.

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India Looks to Lure More Than 1,000 U.S. Companies Out of China

India is seeking to lure U.S. businesses, including medical devices giant Abbott Laboratories, to relocate from China as President Donald Trump’s administration steps up efforts to blame Beijing for its role in the coronavirus pandemic.

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