News coverage, academic research and more on the coronavirus pandemic from experts at The Pearson Institute.

Harris News


Researchers Address Life Under COVID-19

Dean Katherine Baicker and Professor Oeindrila Dube work with an international team to highlight behavioral approaches toward combating bias and fake news, increasing cooperation, and coping with stress and isolation.

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Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response

The COVID-19 pandemic represents a massive global health crisis. Because the crisis requires large-scale behaviour change and places significant psychological burdens on individuals, insights from the social and behavioural sciences can be used to help align human behaviour with the recommendations of epidemiologists and public health experts. Here we discuss evidence from a selection of research topics relevant to pandemics, including work on navigating threats, social and cultural influences on behaviour, science communication, moral decision-making, leadership, and stress and coping. In each section, we note the nature and quality of prior research, including uncertainty and unsettled issues. We identify several insights for effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight important gaps researchers should move quickly to fill in the coming weeks and months.

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La República


Sí es momento para pensar en reformas tributarias

Aunque el presidente Duque afirmó lo contrario, la crisis que atravesamos debe poner en la agenda una reforma seria de nuestro sistema tributario. El motivo más obvio, pero no el más fundamental, es que las exigencias de gasto y la erosión de ingresos por la pandemia descuadrarán las cuentas y obligarán, tarde o temprano, a buscar nuevos ingresos.

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