News coverage, academic research and more on the coronavirus pandemic from experts at The Pearson Institute.

The Eastern Link


Xi Jinping to Remain: US Expert

James Robinson, coauthor of international bestseller Why Nations Fail and the director of the University of Chicago's Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts, is a scholar who offers extraordinary insights.

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Harris News


New Research Emphasizes Why Leadership Is Necessary to Defeat Harmful Social Norms and COVID-19

Consistent messages from national leaders are necessary to change deeply ingrained social norms like shaking hands and socializing in restaurants, which are crucial adjustments for disrupting the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new paper coauthored by Ethan Bueno de Mesquita, the Sydney Stein Professor and Deputy Dean at the Harris School of Public Policy, and Mehdi Shadmehr, a visiting associate professor at Harris.

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Paul Poast Podcast


Power politics of pandemics

Professor Paul Poast talks about the ways in which COVID-19 is shaping the narrative around the international distribution of power.

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