News coverage, academic research and more on the coronavirus pandemic from experts at The Pearson Institute.



You May Be Surprised by the Type of American Who Is Postponing Basic Health Care During the Pandemic

There’s more than one way to get sick during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can contract the virus, of course, as more than 28 million Americans already have. Or you can dodge the disease but still suffer from the disruption caused by quarantines and social distancing, if they lead you to neglect routine health care. That, a new TIME-Harris Poll survey shows, is just what too many of us are doing.

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Congress could ax measures meant to keep sick people at home

Policies aimed at helping American workers stay home when they have the coronavirus have been scaled back in the Covid relief bill now moving through Congress and could be narrowed further, reviving a heated debate over how to balance fixing the economy with sound public health measures.

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Fox 32 Chicago


U of C study: India drastically underreported COVID-19 cases

Anup Malani, professor at the University of Chicago, talks about their joint study with Duke University that found that India has drastically underreported their number of COVID-19 cases in certain regions.

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