A full video archive is available on The Pearson Institute's YouTube channel.



Gang Rule: An Experiment in Countering Criminal Governance


The Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago (BFI), Princeton University, and Innovations for Poverty Action are pleased to announce the launch of a new series focusing on violence and crime in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The first seminar featured Harris Public Policy's Christopher Blattman, Universidad EAFIT's Santiago Tobón, Princeton University's Maria Micaela Sviatschi, and the Republic of Colombia's Jairo García, and was moderated by IPA Peru's Bárbara Sparrow.


Forces of Darkness: Territorial Control & Resource Allocation


The Pearson Institute's January Lunch and Learn will featured Scott Gates, political scientist, economist, and research professor at The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). In the video above, he discusses the strategic dynamics of territorial control and resource allocation during civil war.

Pearson Institute Distinguished Speaker Series featuring Ben Rhodes

Dean of the Harris School of Public Policy Katherine Baicker moderates a discussion with Ben Rhodes, former deputy US National Security Advisor in a 2019 edition of The Pearson Institute's Distinguished Speaker Series.

Anne Ryan / The Pearson Institute