A full video archive is available on The Pearson Institute's YouTube channel.


The Weak State Trap


Pearson Faculty Affiliate Leopoldo Fergusson presents research coauthored with Carlos A. Molina and Pearson Institute Director James A. Robinson at the DC Political Economy Seminar Series, organized by the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank.

Building Resilient Health Systems: Evidence from Sierra Leone and the 2014 Ebola Outbreak


What can the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone teach us about how to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic? Plenty, according to Professor Oeindrila Dube of UChicago’s Harris School of Public Policy. Dube and her co-authors examined social sentiments toward government-run health care operations in Sierra Leone, and subsequent effects on the public’s use of health care services.

Pearson Institute Distinguished Speaker Series featuring Ben Rhodes

Dean of the Harris School of Public Policy Katherine Baicker moderates a discussion with Ben Rhodes, former deputy US National Security Advisor in a 2019 edition of The Pearson Institute's Distinguished Speaker Series.

Anne Ryan / The Pearson Institute