A full video archive is available on The Pearson Institute's YouTube channel.



COVID 2025: Changing the rules of international relations


Our world in the next five years: Political scientist Paul Poast on how coronavirus will change the global economy, US-China relations and the World Health Organization.


Institutions, development economics and modernization theory


Our guest is James Robinson. He is the University Professor and institute director of The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts at the University of Chicago. We talked about "Why Nations Fail", the current state of development economics, why economists started writing books, modernization theory, coauthorship with Daron Acemoglu, why British universities are lagging behind American ones and whether Milton Friedman is overrated.

Pearson Institute Distinguished Speaker Series featuring Ben Rhodes

Dean of the Harris School of Public Policy Katherine Baicker moderates a discussion with Ben Rhodes, former deputy US National Security Advisor in a 2019 edition of The Pearson Institute's Distinguished Speaker Series.

Anne Ryan / The Pearson Institute