A full video archive is available on The Pearson Institute's YouTube channel.


Pearson Global Forum | Using Data to Address Conflict


Panelists: Jeannie Annan, Senior Research Associate, The Pearson Institute and Senior Director of Research & Evaluation, International Rescue Committee; Liam Collins, Colonel, U.S. Special Forces and Director, Modern War Institute, U.S. Military Academy West Point; Rebecca J. Wolfe, Director of Evidence and Influence, Mercy Corps; Austin L. Wright, Assistant Professor, Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago and Faculty Affiliate, The Pearson Institute. Moderator: Hal Weitzman, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science and Executive Director for Intellectual Capital, University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Introduction by Mariana Laverde, Pearson Scholar and Harris PhD Student.

Pearson Global Forum | Violent Extremism


Panelists: Richard English, Distinguished Professorial Fellow, Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queen's University Belfast; Carter Malkasian, Special Assistant for Strategy to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Department of Defense; Graeme Wood, National Correspondent, The Atlantic. Moderator: Steve Clemons; Washington Editor-at-Large, The Atlantic. Introduction by Hazumu Yano, Pearson Fellow and Harris Student.

Pearson Institute Distinguished Speaker Series featuring Ben Rhodes

Dean of the Harris School of Public Policy Katherine Baicker moderates a discussion with Ben Rhodes, former deputy US National Security Advisor in a 2019 edition of The Pearson Institute's Distinguished Speaker Series.

Anne Ryan / The Pearson Institute