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Kirgit Amlai

Pearson Fellow Alum


Kirgit Istifanus Amlai, MPP'24, from Billiri, Nigeria, has a keen interest in conflicts driven by political and ethno-religious tensions that affect his country’s economic growth. Following his passion for community development, he founded the Our Symbol Our Pride project with the aim of creating awareness about the importance of Nigeria’s national symbols and replacing defaced flags in public and private buildings.

Kirgit was the first person in his family to join politics and contested in the 2019 primaries for the office of Member of the Gombe State Parliament. This experience of running for election is one of the biggest challenges he has ever faced. Before joining the University of Chicago, Kirgit worked as a Legislative Aide with a member of the House of Representatives of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, where he worked with a team that drafted several legislative bills. One established a Federal Medical Center in Billiri, which was the first of its kind in the region. Another was a Compulsory Free Universal Basic Education (Establishment) Act (Amendment) 2019. His team also prepared several motions sponsored by their principal legislator regarding the failing security, and a worsening economy, towards proffering solutions to these concerns in Nigeria.

Kirgit holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration from Ajayi Crowther University Oyo, Nigeria, and a Graduate Certificate in international business management from Lawrence Kinlin School of Business Fanshawe College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Baidoa, Somalia

Makeshift, temporary shelter made of plastic and clothing at a refugee center in Baidoa, Somalia.