News coverage, academic research and more on the coronavirus pandemic from experts at The Pearson Institute.

VOA News


Pandemic In Russia, Rumblings of Discontent Grow as Oligarchs Move to Plug Gaps

Once they scrambled to grab what they could from a disintegrating Soviet state, exploiting the political and economic chaos of the post-communist Boris Yeltsin era to secure state enterprises, oilfields and mineral deposits at knockdown prices. But now Russia’s uber-wealthy oligarchs are rushing to shore up a failing state effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

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La República



La semana pasada le llovieron críticas a la vicepresidenta Marta Lucía Ramírez. Quizás inspirada en John F. Kennedy, pero con peor prosa, dijo que con esta pandemia la cosa no es “atenidos a ver qué hace el gobierno por cada uno de nosotros. Es qué hacemos nosotros para que el país progrese”. Ella respondió disculpándose, aclarando que no se refería a los hogares que reciben un apoyo del Gobierno por la crisis, e insistió en que la sacaron de contexto y no merece el linchamiento mediático.

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Post Register


Businesses defy Little, open early

Idaho’s staged reopening from the stay-home order has opened fault lines across the state, dividing the public, business owners, law enforcement and lawmakers. At the epicenter is Gov. Brad’s Little’s Stay Healthy Order. It details which businesses can reopen on which dates. Most businesses have complied with the order by remaining closed until their assigned time for reopening. Others have chosen to openly violate the order.

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